Monday, June 04, 2012

Risky Places To Play Golf

People tend to do unusual things sometimes. To try things that are not normally done on everyday basis. And I was browsing the internet and I stumbled upon a few things which might surprise you.

Playing golf is something that people find luxurious. Golf is a game with style and class. And the following images may or may not support the last two sentences:

Normally, golf is played on a wide open space, a field of green grass that stretches for miles and miles. But in this picture, it's quite different. I guess this picture was shot from a hotel in Dubai, one of the most riches country in the world. As we know, Dubai is filled with sand, no lawns or anything, so they decided to build a mini golf course on the hotel building.

I kind of liked this picture. Many people ignore signs and boards telling them what or what not to do. But this is some sort of a humorous signboard. The maker of the sign does the math for certain distances and it turns out, if you play within distance from that sign, you are more likely to break a 200 dollar window. You better watch out.

This picture is a really funny one. As you can see, he is actually utilizing some space on the rooftop to play golf. He made a small lawn, a square foot in size, and  
there he places his tee and ball then makes his swing that will let the ball break into nearby buildings.

If I were these people, I would choose a nice place to play golf. Some excellent golf courses with long stretches of smooth lawn and magnificent scenery like the ones on this site, to fully satisfy my gaming crave.

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