If you've been working for 40 years and your days are filled with deadlines and problem solving, eventually the day will come when it's time to retire. Now what? How are you going to spend your days? How can you keep yourself entertained? Well we can live in a city and never really take advantages of the places and things there are to do. Oftentimes tourists come to places like Calgary and these are the only places they visit. There are some great attraction in Calgary and the surrounding areas that make for great trips with your spouse or grandchildren.
Calgary Tourism Board website has a lot of great ideas for days trips you can enjoy.
Heritage Park Historical Village
Heritage Park Historical Village is a historical village that has a focus on the history of the automobile and how it changed our society. With Alberta being one of the biggest gas and oil producers in the world, the Heritage Village will guide you through this history.
Tour the Railway Car Shop- packed full of Canada’s rail treasures,
-Explore a replica of an 1860s Hudson’s Bay Company Fur Trading Fort,
-Make bannock in the Aboriginal Encampment,
-Visit the original home of Sam Livingston in the 1880s rustic pre-railway settlement,
-Churn old-fashioned
ice cream on the porch of the Burnside Ranch House,
-Shop, eat and play in the bustling 1910 prairie railroad town.
-Ride an authentic steam train, cruise on Calgary’s only paddle wheeler and tour the Park on a horse-drawn wagon.
-Get a bird’s eye view atop the antique Ferris wheel and a taste
of history at any one of the many eating establishments in the Park.
taken from Google Images, by where.ca |
The Calgary International Film Festival
Calgary International Film Festival runs September 20th to October 2nd
Their website says:
The Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) is a 10-day
celebration of visual arts and cinema, screening over 200 multi-genre
films from around the world and highlighted by a series of gala events,
awards ceremonies, and special presentations.
1999, CIFF has become one of the largest film festivals in Canada –
enjoyed by upwards of 50, 000 cultural enthusiasts - and a premiere
cultural event in Calgary’s social calendar. Demonstrating unparalleled
diversity and accessibility as an arts medium, CIFF is integral to the
cultural fabric of the city, delivering measurable impact, connectivity,
and cultural relevance.
taken from Google Images, by Cantechletter.com |
Calgary Walks
A great way to see your city is to go for a walk. If the weather is good it can be a good way to get some exercise and see Calgary in away you never have before. The
Calgary Walks website offers maps and tours that will take you throughout the city.
When it comes time to retire and you are looking for things to do in Calgary, there are many options. If you need a little help around the house
Calgary Senior Home Care can provide the extra time you need to enjoy your retirement years from the comfort of your own home and allow you the time to be able to explore Calgary and reconnect with the wonderful things the city has to offer.